I immediately knew how I wanted this one to look since Lilian´s not only an announcer but also a singer. The letters I wanted to look like music notes and pink/red/girlie colours would not be in the way. Some flowers, bling and ribbon were also spot on. I started by drawing the LO just the way I wanted it but I soon discovered I could not get it exactly the way I wanted it. I had it all pictured in front of me but my drawing skills did not do my planned creation justice. Thats when my brilliant mind got to think of my wifes Bosskut Gazelle. It truly is a magnificient machine and it succeeded to cut out the letters my old shaky hands failed with. An absolute fantastic background paper from Imaginations, the above mentioned girlie-items, a little Stickles, 3D-cusions and it all fell in place. If I may say it myself, and I may, I just think this is one of the better ones I have created.

The happiest boy on earth and Lilian Garcia
Wow, alltså..... wow!! Jag föreslog min make att han också skulle börja scrappa...... det föll inte i god jord kan jag ju säga. Vilka tuffa LO:s, den sista är ju superfin!! Snyggt jobbat!!
Det här var ju hur läckert som helst. Härliga detaljer!
Kul att ta en titt på dina skapelser!
Wow, vilka härliga alster du gör!!! Både de "manliga" och de "kvinnliga"!
Jag har också föreslagit min man att prova men icke då, hmm....
Jättekul att kika på allt du gjort!
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