And thats another Cryme Tyme-LO finished and this time it features the other wrestler of the tagteam, JTG. And of course, my son. This one I tried to keep similar to the Shad-LO I made before so They would look good together in the album. Its 4 kinds of
Basic Grey and some CS. I used green acrylic paint this time to create the frame, my wifes
Bosskut Gazelle cut out the " Cryme Tyme Institute..." for me and that was easy. Separating the little buggers from the CS the machine cut in and glueing them to the LO was a different story! Everything else I have made templates for by drawing by hand and cutting out with my knifes and scissors. From having no plan att all for this one it avtually turned out quite well, if I may say so.
A close up of my "graffitti"-letters.
Your work is amazing as always! I can't believe the time and effort you put in every single detail of your layouts. I love the graffitti!
Thats some pretty awesome works you've done dude!!
Do you use Quickutz-Silhouette for your projects?
Greetings From Daniel
PS. Found your blog through Ulrika...
She's on the top! Lol.. :P
Ja.. det var da det..
Jeg sjekket profilen din, og følte meg ganske dum etterpå..
Du er jo fra Sverige, hvorfor gjorde jeg alt det bryet når jeg da bare kan skrive på norsk.. :P
Nok en gang, dritstilig alt du lager, digger det..!!
PS. Jeg legger deg til i listen min over SVENSKE bloggere.. ;P
Håper det er greit.. :P
Klipper du ut tingene for hånd? :O
Nå ble jeg enda mer imponert!!
Jeg som trodde du brukte Silhouette..
Hehe.. jeg har den, men bruker den ikke for ofte.. XD
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